Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2011
Resolutions of the German Pirate Party taken at #BPT112
hariolor, 12:58h
On December 3rd and 4th, 2011, a federal convention of the German Pirate Party took place in Offenbach. The gathering was scheduled as an opportunity to broaden its electoral manifesto.
The most important decisions taken at the party convention were as follows:
A major part of the decisions made pertained to social politics. After a controversial debate, just over two thirds of the attendees voted for the evaluation of a "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen" (unconditional basic income) as a replacement for the current social welfare system. The proposition stipulates the necessity to set up a national committee to evaluate the technical and financial possibilities and limits, as well as public-opinion prior to any changes. The same proposition also demands a basic wage as a transitionary measurement. Moreover, the Pirate Party calls for a change in the regulations for unemployment aid. The benefits are to be increased; the lower limit should reflect the EU definition of poverty. Benefits should never fall short of that limit even in the case of sanctions or cuts. The limits for additional earnings should be raised as well; applications for social welfare should be handled less bureaucraticly. Less personal data should be compiled.
With regard to economic policy, the Pirate Party demands an end to the compulsory membership in the public chamber of commerce and associations for companies except for lawyers, notaries and medical associations. Temporary employment / subcontracted work will be limited to six months. Contracts between the government and contractors may not be kept confidential but become public record.
The Pirate Party is giving itself a more rigorous financial codex. When receiving donations of more than 1.000€, it will publish the contributer's name, the amount and if given what it should be used for. There will be no restrictions from donations received from wills.
The motion was approved by the convention to include in the party's position it being against right-wing politics; moreover the proposals "Gemeinsam gegen Rassismus" (Together against extremism) and "Immigration bereichert die Gesellschaft" (Immigration enriches society) were added to the party program. This means an assertive statement against the far right and right-wing populists.
In social politics, the Pirate Party reaffirms its position of the separation of government and religion. The government is not permitted to show preference for or precedence to any religion or church or religious organisation.
The prohibition of drugs shall be ceased. Instead of continuing the ineffective prohibition drug policy of the past decades, we want to introduce addiction policies which focus on addiction prevention, legalize drugs, decrease crime and criminal penalties.
In a position paper, the Pirate Party affirms its support for a united Europe. The European Financial Recovery Agreement (ESM) is heavily criticised for lacking democratic legitimation.
As we already claimed in our election platform in Berlin, the demand for a local public transport without tickets is shared by Pirates all over Germany in a position paper.
The program resolution regarding the copyright law plans a reasonable and appropriate reformation. The resolution is based on Daniel Neumann's paper. The Pirate Party supports a free and public access to content, produced with public funds.
Preparation for the federal election 2013: The old election platform will be closed and a new program developed, including all that has been decided at the convention. Next year another conference will be organised, to continue the development of our party platform.
The Pirate Party of Russia, which was not allowed to appear on the ballots for the recent elections there, sent Lola Veronina who held a remarkable speech. A transscript of that speech can also be found in this blog.
(This text is based on a German text by Piratenpartei Hannover.)
The most important decisions taken at the party convention were as follows:
A major part of the decisions made pertained to social politics. After a controversial debate, just over two thirds of the attendees voted for the evaluation of a "Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen" (unconditional basic income) as a replacement for the current social welfare system. The proposition stipulates the necessity to set up a national committee to evaluate the technical and financial possibilities and limits, as well as public-opinion prior to any changes. The same proposition also demands a basic wage as a transitionary measurement. Moreover, the Pirate Party calls for a change in the regulations for unemployment aid. The benefits are to be increased; the lower limit should reflect the EU definition of poverty. Benefits should never fall short of that limit even in the case of sanctions or cuts. The limits for additional earnings should be raised as well; applications for social welfare should be handled less bureaucraticly. Less personal data should be compiled.
With regard to economic policy, the Pirate Party demands an end to the compulsory membership in the public chamber of commerce and associations for companies except for lawyers, notaries and medical associations. Temporary employment / subcontracted work will be limited to six months. Contracts between the government and contractors may not be kept confidential but become public record.
The Pirate Party is giving itself a more rigorous financial codex. When receiving donations of more than 1.000€, it will publish the contributer's name, the amount and if given what it should be used for. There will be no restrictions from donations received from wills.
The motion was approved by the convention to include in the party's position it being against right-wing politics; moreover the proposals "Gemeinsam gegen Rassismus" (Together against extremism) and "Immigration bereichert die Gesellschaft" (Immigration enriches society) were added to the party program. This means an assertive statement against the far right and right-wing populists.
In social politics, the Pirate Party reaffirms its position of the separation of government and religion. The government is not permitted to show preference for or precedence to any religion or church or religious organisation.
The prohibition of drugs shall be ceased. Instead of continuing the ineffective prohibition drug policy of the past decades, we want to introduce addiction policies which focus on addiction prevention, legalize drugs, decrease crime and criminal penalties.
In a position paper, the Pirate Party affirms its support for a united Europe. The European Financial Recovery Agreement (ESM) is heavily criticised for lacking democratic legitimation.
As we already claimed in our election platform in Berlin, the demand for a local public transport without tickets is shared by Pirates all over Germany in a position paper.
The program resolution regarding the copyright law plans a reasonable and appropriate reformation. The resolution is based on Daniel Neumann's paper. The Pirate Party supports a free and public access to content, produced with public funds.
Preparation for the federal election 2013: The old election platform will be closed and a new program developed, including all that has been decided at the convention. Next year another conference will be organised, to continue the development of our party platform.
The Pirate Party of Russia, which was not allowed to appear on the ballots for the recent elections there, sent Lola Veronina who held a remarkable speech. A transscript of that speech can also be found in this blog.
(This text is based on a German text by Piratenpartei Hannover.)
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